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Expectations for All Board Positions

  •  Attend (in-person or via Zoom) a Board meeting 10-12 times per year for 2 hours each.

  • Serve as a liaison to one or more working committees of the organization.

  • Seek donations or sponsors for organization or specific events.

  • Serve in good faith and mindful of the duties of care and loyalty required of all board members. Mont. Code Ann. § 35-2-416 (“[W]ith the care an ordinarily prudent person in a similar position would exercise under similar circumstances”, and “in a manner the director reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation”.)

2024 Open Positions



Bylaws §3.06(d): The term of the Treasurer and Board Member 2 is a 2-year term ending at the conclusion of the annual meeting in 2026. These two offices shall be elected in even numbered years.


Bylaws § 5.09(d): Powers and duties of the Treasurer. The principal duties of the Treasurer will be to have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and investments of the corporation; to keep an account of all monies received and disbursed, and of monies and property at hand; and to perform such other duties as the board of directors or the President may from time-to-time request.

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